Version v0.0.3

Monteur released its version v0.0.3 with a bunch of new changes, notable releases and supports, and upgrades.

This release primarily interate major feature improvements over the v0.0.2 prototype to standardize its internal operations and external interactions.

Supported Variants

Here are the list of supported Monteur variants available for different platforms and CPU architectures.

Notable Changes

Here are some of the notable changes for this version.

Backward Compatible

Among the backward-compatible changes are:

  1. Added Version API - Allows Monteur to report its current version.

  2. Fixed Setup API critical bug - Montuer Setup API now will create critical working directories (.monteurFS/bin and .monteurFS/config/config.d) to operate properly.

  3. Updated Setup API to smartly detect legacy ARM CPU - Allows Monteur to smartly determine legacy ARM CPU like armv7l, armv7, armv6l, armv6, armhf, and armel.

Non-Backward Compatible

NO non-backward compatible changes found for this version.

What's Next

Now that Monteur main features are up and running, the next phase is to ensure maximum compatibility between all release distributions and packaging functions. The following new changes are seen as important and given priority:

  1. Native support of .deb packaging mechanism (complies to linting, security, and standards).

  2. External support of Homebrew distribution for package API and release API.

  3. External support of AppImage distribution for package API and release API.

Downloadable Software

Here are some of the downloadable Monteur archived packages available for manual deployments:

Products SHA512 Checksum (Hex Format) 79434b0d6ee31d1980986e5bc755ad2bead813e1b081f4a2db86d57a5103dc5356e5d1b022d92692ea9b924a6996c89a93c6fd37a0ef305a466d6011991463c1 54866bf648a035155dcfded3763cf0ae80342a0464c35dfb0fafeabe3c4a9620c41a6eb9ecae8db03dfb6a0e1c3f3362d68033b2c6745e6070b9c88a74060dfc
monteur-v0-0-3-linux-arm.tar.gz 8ea658428969731c4b99606a4c0a4b16f6bda371fc5222de466fe933609c3fc9dccf7469b20081374dfcb27fef8e4cb849db1f20d92297f0b74851de5baeb714
monteur-v0-0-3-linux-amd64.tar.gz 5759ca944d9ba5aa75c940c71fe99788804b37d5d4e760a2b527339e679de8eea55c1d0de9e646be952da1ea30e706d47d04675efb10c3c7632530be7e97f142
monteur-v0-0-3-linux-arm64.tar.gz 729502548b5035a7567d834888a4f4c0b18238b32995aa60b5e59cb91d8f4c1bba441708e54fa58cecff90c3838eb96d6aef28eb9df47b0b48ff6193ddfe5bfc
monteur-v0-0-3-darwin-arm64.tar.gz 84e6bcf4d8343ac5f71d28eb39a2a7a154968a04279e10a7c744ec5e65231d7c53f773646b4c988d662c0d6f77c4cdf1b9adc038cce507f333746ec676cdf606
monteur-v0-0-3-darwin-amd64.tar.gz 45eaf564b08632d96126c74c4899af5117f82e12aa4772661a39ee7e4d5f2886e1050e62c702c8f4f1ce701ad79890a83e9d0c6474097f018ddeb15fb849230e


That's all for this release. If you have any question, please feel free to raise your question at our Issues Section.