Version File Scripting Prepare Recipe

Montuer has a continuously developed prepare recipe dedicated for scripting repository version into version file.

The objective is simple: to prepare the version file (e.g. VERSION or version.go) in a consistent and reproducible manner.

All users has to do is to issue this command:

monteur prepare

For this recipe, they are arranged based on its own semantic versioning and is not directly related to Monteur's actual release version. Hence, feel free to explore and update each versions to suit your CI needs.


This recipe is built and maintained based on the following resources:

Recipe File

Here are all the Monteur Prepare CI Job recipe files for operating Version File Scripting semi-autonomously. They are sorted by the latest version first, at the top.

Please read through its requiremnets and changes before procuring.

Version v2.0.0

Download Link: version-file-v2p0p0.toml

Minimum Requirements

  • Montuer version: v0.0.2 and above.

  • Supported platform: STRICTLY depends on Monteur and Git availability.

Installation Instructions

  • Download and place the recipe file into your .configs/monteur/prepare/jobs directory as version-file-[SOFTWARE].toml pattern like version-file.toml or version-file-go.toml.

  • Update the recipe's Metadata.Name for matching the version file format you're generating (e.g. append (Go) if you're generating Go source code aside from standard version file).

  • Update the recipe's Variables.Prefix to add any prefix content used in FMTVariables.Content construction later. Otherwise, please leave it blank.

  • Update the recipe's FMTVariables.Filepath to specify the path to the destination file.

  • Update the recipe's FMTVariables.Content to construct the exact content of the version file. Default has all the ciritical variables listed in.


  • NOT BACKWARD COMPATBILE - Corrected FMTVariables.CodeFilepath to FMTVariables.Filepath for destination file and set default value to {{- .RootDir -}}/VERSION.

  • NOT BACKWARD COMPATBILE - Abstracted FMTVariables.Content for file content constructions matching other file format requirements like license heading and etc.

  • NOT BACKWARD COMPATBILE - Merged the now deleted Version Go File Scripting recipe.

  • BACKWARD COMPATBILE - Renamed the default Metadata.Name to generic name.

  • BACKWARD COMPATBILE - Updated the default Metadata.Description to a generic content.

  • BACKWARD COMPATBILE - Corrected all CEU with names and new variables to ensure algorithm is clean and flexible.

Version v1.0.0

Download Link: version-file-v1p0p0.toml

Minimum Requirements

  • Montuer version: v0.0.2 and above.

  • Supported platform: STRICTLY depends on Monteur and Git availability.

Installation Instructions

  • Download and place the recipe file into your .configs/monteur/prepare/jobs directory as version-file.toml.

  • Update the recipe's Variables.CodeFilepath pointing to the destination filepath.


  • BACKWARD COMPATBILE - Created the base TOML configuration recipe.

  • BACKWARD COMPATBILE - Tested with GitLab CI.


That's all for Monteur's Prepare CI Job handling Version File Scripting update tasks. If you have any question, please feel free to raise your question at our Issues Section.